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Machine Mart 6″ Flexiwall Flexible Flue Liner per metre

Flexiwall flexible chimney liner is a Multi fuel system used to line an existing brick or masonry stack.Flexiwall chimney liners are stainless steel twin-lined grade 1 quality. The liners are designed to withstand high temperatures and corrosion.The flexibility of Flexiwall allows it to be handled and installed simply and easily whilst avoiding any damage to the inside of the liner. When installing the chimney liner, please note that the arrows marked on the liner need to face up the chimney, indicating the direction of the flue gases. Incorrect installation can result in a faster build-up of soot deposits and a greater chance of a chimney fire. The inner wall is of smooth bore construction giving extremely low resistance to the flue gas flow. The outer wall has a convoluted profile with a crimp and locked seam. The two walls are seamed together throughout the length to ensure its stability and integrity.Minimum order 5mChimney Heights and TerminationThe minimum chimney height recommended for minimum performance of wood burning and multi fuel appliances is 4.5 m from the top of the appliance to the top of the chimney. It is best to position the chimney, so that it goes straight up as near to the roof ridge as possible. The diagram below, taken from Document J, shows the minimum flue discharge heights and positions for all wood burning and multi fuel applications. In some cases, particularly when chimneys are towards the bottom of a sloping roof or at the eaves, it may be necessary to increase the chimney height above these minimum mandatory requirements. The reason for this is to clear pressure zones created by wind hitting the roof and nearby structures, like trees, which may interfere with the up draught required by the appliance or fire. The maximum freestanding stack height above the roof for a traditional masonry chimney is 5.4 times the narrowest horizontal part of the chimney. In the case of stainless steel system chimneys, the manufacturer’s installation instructions should be consulted; however in most cases it will be around 1.5 metres. This measurement is taken from the last point where the chimney stack passes the through or past the edge of the roof up to the chimney capping or termination. Tall chimneys may need bracing, always consult the manufacturer for advice.